Sunday, March 14, 2010

How to Fix American Schools

Each year politicians, political pundits, and various members of the media make it a point to let us know how bad the American public school system is. Politicians run entire campaigns promising to fix our schools, and millions of dollars are spent yearly for new programs and incentives. The end result is that very little has changed, other than the implementation of newer technologies in the classroom, and the continuing assault on America's teachers. Despite the changes in accountability the No Child Left Behind bill has created in today's classroom it has not sparked the fantastic changes promised by the former President.

In order to change the entire dynamics of the American public school system I offer this incredibly simple solution. A solution that will essentially not burden the taxpayer. A solution that will dramatically altar the public school system in America. So what is my amazing answer to our 'education crisis'?
Here it is:
Each student's parent and/or guardian should be required to spend one week in the classroom in order to see, hear, and experience all the things that teachers go through on a daily basis. I feel certain that in a short amount of time our public school system would change for the better. In addition, I believe that this would create much better parenting in today's homes. Often teachers have to spend so much time doing things parents should do that it affects what we teach and how well our students learn.

For parents:
Walk a mile in a teacher's shoes, and take responsibility for your child's behavior!

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